Gentoo Install Checklist
If you want to install Gentoo you should read the Gentoo Handbook. However, if you (like myself) have already installed Gentoo for a couple (thousand) times, you know more or less everything that has to be done, but just need a list of things not to forget. So here it is:
# create the partitions you wantmkfs
# create the root filesystemmount $ROOT /mnt/gentoo
cd /mnt/gentoo
wget -O-*.tar.bz2 | tar xj
cd usr
wget -O- | tar xj
cd /mnt/gentoo
mount -t proc proc proc
mount --bind /dev dev
cp -L /etc/resolv.conf etc/
chroot . /bin/bash
env-update; source /etc/profile
emerge --sync
eselect profile set default/linux/x86
vim /etc/portage/make.conf
# setup USE, CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS, MAKEOPTSvim /etc/locale.gen
# setup localeslocale-gen
emerge gentoo-sources
# configure, build and install the kernelvim /etc/fstab
# setup the partitions, don’t forget root, swapvim /etc/conf.d/hostname
# setup hostnamevim /etc/hosts
# add the hostname to localhost linepasswd
vim /etc/timezone; emerge --config timezone-data
# setup timezoneemerge syslog-ng vixie-cron mlocate
rc-update add syslog-ng default
rc-update add vixie-cron default
emerge reiserfsprogs xfsprogs jfsutils e2fsprogs
# or whatever set of FS you haveemerge dhcpcd
emerge grub
grub2-mkconfig > /boot/grub/grub.conf
# configure Grubgrep -v rootfs /proc/mounts > /etc/mtab
Now reboot and smell the ashes!